
A Dallas Chase Branch is Reinventing Banking for Residents

Chase Community Managers help empower customers in their financial journey. 

April 19, 2023

A version of this story originally appeared in The Dallas Examiner.

With over 100 years of experience supporting the Dallas-Fort Worth area, 12bet官方不断创新,以满足当地客户不断变化的需求. 其中一项创新是该公司300亿美元促进种族平等承诺的一部分:在德克萨斯州开设首家社区中心分支机构.

Terri Thomas, the Oak Cliff branch’s dedicated Community Manager, joined the team specifically  to increase awareness of and access to resources, financial health tools, and services. Community Managers are often from the neighborhoods where they work, giving them insight into the challenges faced by the community. 

在当地非营利合作伙伴的帮助下,他们致力于推动达拉斯黑人社区的变革, JPMorgan Chase is bringing more allies to its local bank branches. Together, 他们分享大通的目标,即帮助客户改善生活,实现财务健康.

《12bet官网》有机会向新任当地社区经理特里·托马斯(Terri Thomas)询问了一些有关Chase Impact分行创新的问题,这些创新将有助于社区的发展, as well as the changes the new branch is expected to bring, 以及客户如何与特里和她的团队合作,规划他们的前进道路,实现他们的财务目标.


特丽:我的角色是专门为满足本市黑人和棕色人种社区独特的财务健康需求而设计的. We want to evolve from community banking to community building and to do this, 我们正在积极努力扭转整个金融体系的系统性不平等, 打破经济障碍,支持我们的客户和社区的成功. We plan to start by providing access to financial health resources, tools, and allies to help you achieve your financial goals.

把社区管理者想象成一个理解有意建立关系的邻居, the financial needs of leaders, 你所在社区的组织和人员——以及他们把你介绍给银行里可以帮助你的合适的人. Meanwhile, 分行经理是一个更传统的角色,帮助你处理日常的银行需求,比如开立银行账户,或者就房屋所有权和小企业发展提供建议.


特里:我们在这里为达拉斯社区的成员和企业提供工具,以建立世代财富和长期遗产. Awareness and accessibility are key, 我们认为,当地分行是一个理想的地方,可以开始培养重要的社区联系和接触点,帮助我们的客户实现他们的财务目标.

As a Community Manager, my job is to connect with the individuals, families and business owners here in southern Dallas, and increase awareness and utilization of available resources. 我和我的团队将帮助你和你附近的其他人利用财务健康工具, products and services, 同时旨在通过独特和免费的互动节目提高一般的金融知识, such as resources to support financial health, home buying tips, educational and enrichment workshops, and growth support for entrepreneurs starting or expanding their small businesses.

While we’re just getting started, I hope to make a real difference in the lives of the families, individuals, homeowners and business owners in our community.



我们的首要任务之一将是帮助我们社区的个人首次开立支票账户, 因为这是金融稳定的关键,对于缩小获得银行服务的差距至关重要. To do this, we’ll walk through our low-cost, no-overdraft checking accounts like Chase Secure Banking, 对于那些刚接触银行业务的人,或者那些过去在获得或保留银行账户方面有困难的人来说,哪种银行可以提供安全保障.

我的团队还负责促进少数族裔拥有的小企业的发展,这意味着我们将帮助当地企业家获得贷款. 我们还聘请了家庭贷款顾问,他们专注于帮助更多的社区获得负担得起的资金, sustainable homeownership.

帮助不同社区和传统服务不足的社区提高住房拥有率, Chase Home Lending is now offering a $5,为符合资格购买房屋的人士提供1万英镑的按揭贷款,以协助支付成交费用及首付款. In addition, 完成认证教育课程的客户可以在Chase DreaMaker抵押贷款上额外节省500美元.

问:您提到“社区建设”是当地社区影响分部的另一个目标. What is “community building” and how will you accomplish this task in Dallas?

Terri: At Chase, we have a tremendous opportunity right now to help our clients, communities, and our country recover from the uncertain times we’re living through. That’s our mission. It is the commitment we are making at this branch and at every Chase branch.

Our branches are the heart and soul of this company. 它们是我们在人生最重要的时刻与人面对面交谈的地方, like opening a first savings account, buying a first home, or planning for retirement. 银行分支机构是帮助社区繁荣的必要条件——我们的橡树崖社区中心是真正的创新. Our vision is to make a leap from community banking to community building.

我们明白,要全力支持客户的成功,就必须承诺支持社区的成功. Stop by to learn more about the resources available. My team and I look forward to getting to know you.
